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Glass Paintings Exhibition 2016

The Olivier Cornet Gallery presented a solo exhibition by botanical artist Yanny Petters, opening to the public on the 11th of October and closing on November 6th 2016. 


“Come with me, I’ll show you something beautiful”

“Komm mit mir, Ich zeig' Dir ‘was Schönes”.

Quote: The artist’s mother, the late Wilma Petters.


These Verre Eglomisé paintings depict the twelve months of the year in the artist’s County Wicklow garden & celebrate the gifts of the artist’s mother to her daughter. This exhibition of Verre Eglomisé panels is dedicated to Wilma Petters whose garden was the inspiration for these twelve paintings, which tell stories about the artist’s relationship with her mother. The works celebrate a love of nature and a sense of curiosity and scientific enquiry, the gifts of artistic talent and the telling of stories of elements of our environment which we all too easily take for granted. Yanny says “My mother often said, “come with me, I’ll show you something beautiful”. Most often this was a small detail, an example of my mother’s sense of wonder and appreciation of all things great and small. I thank her for instilling the same sense in me, that I might share it with others through my paintings, raising awareness and appreciation of the beautiful and bizarre in a natural world which is constantly generous and rewarding".


The exhibition was accompanied by a catalogue with a preface by art historian and storyteller Jean Ryan.

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